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  • Mental or psychiatric disorders are patterns in an individual's thinking, emotions and behaviours that lead to problems in their personal and social life.

    In Europe and USA the treatment of mental disorders is part of the regulated health profession and often covered by insurance. 

    Like  physical disorders mental disorders:

    • Can affect anyone, anywhere and at any point in their lives

    • Can be mild or severe 

    • Can be chronic (long term) or episodic (short term)

    • Are better treated sooner rather than later ​

    • Often require professional treatment ​​​

  • ​Stigma is an unfair negative belief about those with mental health problems. This can lead to negative behaviours towards those individuals. 

    Of course having a mental disorder does not make you "crazy" or "bad" or "weak"!

    Stigma can worsen mental health by:  

    • Increasing social isolation 

    • Creating shame towards seeking treatment

    • Increasing feelings of guilt and worthlessness 

    • Leading to discrimination resulting in missed opportunities

    The World Health Organisation estimates that 1 in 8 people globally suffer from a mental disorder. Sadly, despite being so widespread, mental disorders are among the most stigmatized disorders in health. 


  • is grounded on the idea that your thoughts, feelings, physical sensations and actions are connected. Negative thoughts and feelings lead to harmful actions which then make you feel and think more negatively. This traps you in a harmful cycle.

    CBT involves analyzing your thoughts behaviors and emotions and identifying problematic patterns, to break free from them.

    CBT addresses complex problems by breaking them down into smaller parts. 

    CBT is an effective practical therapy that relies on hard work outside of therapy to change to your life.

  • is a branch of CBT that employs mindfulness and acceptance techniques to increase psychological flexibility and commit to behavioural changes.

    ACT can be very effective in dealing with self-esteem difficulties and situations that are "out of our control". 

  • is a highly structured and well proven method to gradually modify behaviour and expectations.

    It involves slowly exposing an individual to the source of their anxiety. 

    It is often used to treat phobias and specific anxiety disorders.

    Please note: all steps will be discussed and prepared for, there will always be a safety protocol where you can stop any time you decide and no one will ever force you to do anything you don't want to do! 

  • is a form of talking therapy where we explore individual and collective traits and dynamics that make up a romantic relationship. 

    Every relationship has its difficult moments or periods. The goal of couples therapy is to create an open space where communication, trust and empathy are used to guide couples past a difficult period in the relationship or an incident which has caused relationship difficulties.

    The result is improved communication and strengthened intimacy and trust within the relationship. 

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